Friday, January 17, 2014

Let Yourself Off The Hook!

“But go and tell his disciples—especially Peter—that Jesus is going ahead of you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you."  Mark 16:7

It was a dark time in the disciples’ lives as they witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus whom they loved. But that was not the end of the story! His empty tomb had been discovered.  Jesus rose from the dead as He said He would.  Now He was sending word to His disciples that He would meet them in Galilee.  He sent the good news with instructions to make sure Peter knew to come. Prior to Jesus’ crucifixion, Peter denied knowing Jesus and I’m sure he had buried himself in shame.  But Jesus is in the forgiving business.  It did not matter to Him how much Peter had done wrong.  Jesus came to SAVE, not condemn!

In fact, one evening our prayer team leader told us that if Judas had not hung himself, Jesus would have called for him, too!  When I heard that, a surge of hope shot through me!  I thought about all the wrong doing in my life.  Our prayer leader then said to me, “Let yourself off the hook!’  I wept with the realization that Jesus long ago “let me off the hook.”  Now I only needed to forgive myself!  My tears washed away years of sorrow, guilt and feeling like I had to “make up” for my mistakes, particularly with my children.  I had raised them as a single mother the best I knew how.

I pictured Judas reaching up and loosening the noose from his neck and running freely to Jesus’ forgiveness.  The enemy wants to keep us bound in unforgiveness, but we can be freed, too!  Ask Jesus right now to help you with any unforgiveness towards others AND towards yourself.   He WILL do it for you!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Wailing Wall


Going to the Western Wailing Wall was one of the highlights of my visit to Israel.  Precious souls stood at the wall for hours, rocking their heads against its stony surface.  We waited patiently and carefully worked our way through the mass of people standing in the area.  As I stood next to the wall placing prayer requests from friends and family in its crevices, I looked to my right and noticed a young girl with her small hand resting up on the wall.  Her fingers would curl and then unfold as she pressed her forehead to the wall reciting prayers.  My heart melted within me at the faith in this ritual of a people we are embracing as family.  The image of this young girl's hand on the wall remains etched in my heart.  Prior to our standing at the wall, our guide told us it was not considered a holy place.  Well, it's holy now because we have been there!  And your prayers are there, too, as an act of faith and connecting with God and our Israel family.  Praise His Holy Name!

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow..."

POWER WALKING BECAME FASHIONABLE on this hot, dusty afternoon in Jerusalem when the peaceful sounds of children playing and vendors advertising their goods were suddenly interrupted by the crisp popping of gunfire, loud chantIng and what sounded like a stampede behind us as hundreds of feet hit the walkways running amidst rock throwing.  It all happened so fast.  Elder Denice grabbed my hand and we walked FAST reciting Psalm 23 as well as making declarations for our safety and the peace of Jerusalem. The rest of our team followed closely.  Palestinian men lined up on one side with young Jewish men on the other.  We had just been turned away from going through the first gate we attempted on our exit from the old city, so we had a sense an eruption was about to take place.  Soldiers with their large guns and fingers posed over the triggers stood facing us, but it was as if they didn't even see us as their stoic faces looked past us.  There was another route of escape we could have taken, BUT GOD took us right through the middle of the two groups, parting the way, and I believe we became INVISIBLE!  One final attempt to stop our exit was made by a man who charged at us shouting angrily as we reached the top of the main steps, but when I looked up at him, he just melted back into the crowd.  "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." has new meaning to me.  This was only a need to walk in fear, rather use wisdom.  God knows what He is doing.  We were in our assigned places and truly witnessed His glory and power that afternoon.  What "shadows" are you facing today? A diagnosis? Relationship issues? Financial challenges? Personal insecurities?  Remember, they are only shadows and the Lord WILL see you through. Just hold tight to His hand and keep walking!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

I Know What I Know What I Know

With our upcoming trip to Israel about to happen, I am reminded daily of the certitude upon my heart of the assignment.  I KNOW God called me to this task, therefore I KNOW the funds along with all the other details will be in place.  It is not a surprise to me to walk through being terminated from my job with the hospital during this time of preparation and to marvel at how the circumstances have driven me even deeper into my Father's heart.  My own faith has been bolstered in a phenomenal way as I realize more and more that though it may not look like it on the exterior, when God speaks a word to our lives, it is so!  And the sealing factor is hearing God's heart and then confidently and courageously latching onto that word.

The trip we are taking to Israel includes expenses in the amount of $3,200.00.  Some of us had it; many didn't...But God!  During our first team meeting on a Sunday afternoon, we witnessed the development of more than $1,500.00 that was GIVEN towards airfare due to be purchased that day.  Since that date, we have continued to enjoy a generous outpouring from friends and family.  Why?  Because God loves to lavish His gifts upon us.  We need only to get into position.

Now my thoughts turn to those dealing with health problems and "diagnoses."  So you have heard what your physician or a battery of tests are saying.  But what is God saying?  Has He spoken a word of healing to you?  Will you receive it?  Again, when you know what you know what you know, it does not matter what the external circumstances look like.  Do you trust that God is working on your behalf in ways you just can't see yet?  He spoke it...He will do it! Be bold in decreeing (declaring, proclaiming) what the Lord shows you that He sees in your life and in your loved ones' lives!  Scheduled for surgery?  Is God whispering to your heart He has already fixed the problem?  Financial woes?  Can you see yourself out from under that burden of debt as God does?  Then proclaim it!  Go ahead and speak an overpayment on your bills so you will be the one getting a refund!

God loves us so much!  Think of the kindest, sweetest, most giving person you know.  He is that one billion times more!  Get to know Him by reading His Word.  His power will infuse to the very core of your being and you will have understanding like never before as you take time to read the bible.  And then pray often about everything!  He is with you everywhere you go!  Just talk to Him.  Thank Him for all the good He has brought to your life.  It really is a wonderful world we live in! I know.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Dream Come True!

"Dream BIG!" I often tell my children.  I will soon be living MY dream to travel to where Jesus walked on this earth, loved people and performed miracles!  I am so excited to be taking part in an international intercessory prayer journey to Israel!  Ray and Renaid Almgren from my church, Petra International Ministries are leading a group of prayer warriors to a major prayer event called, "The Nazareth Cry - The Spirit and Bride Say Come."  Nazareth rejected Jesus when He walked the earth, but now, from Nazareth a cry will go up to the Lord to welcome Him back to His hometown.  People from all over the world will be attending this event!

Unlike typical sightseeing tours, the plan for this trip is to visit specific sites (see itinerary below) and intercede. Included in these sites will be the altars of Abraham. There have been prophetic words that God will raise up houses of prayer at each of these altars. Our hearts are to release prayers that will help birth these houses of prayer.

We will also go to the Wailing (Western) Wall in Jerusalem, along with many more historic and strategic places.  Please let me know of any prayer requests you would like for me to take to insert into the Western Wall.  We will spend four nights in Nazareth and four nights in Jerusalem. Our journey will put us in Israel during Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles this September (we depart Pittsburgh on the 17th). We know the timing is strategic and may be more significant for Pittsburgh and America than we realize. 

Our desire is that you would all be a part of what we are doing by covering all of us in prayer. Jerusalem is the spiritual center of the world and there is much warfare there. Thank you for praying with us! 

The Journey of Faith

Prayer Journey to the Altars of Abraham & Tour
During the Feast of Tabernacles – from Sept 18-27, 2013

DAY 1 – 18th
Arrival at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport

Transfer to hotel in Nazareth for dinner and overnight

 DAY 2 – 19th

Mount Tabor / Plain of Armageddon / Nazareth
Synagogue Church

Mount Tabor, Melchizedek Cave

Plain of Armageddon

Nazareth Village tour (with lunch)

Prayer on Precipice Mountain

 DAY 3 – 20th

Nazareth / Mount Carmel / Prayer Gathering in Nazareth
Church of the Annunciation

Mount Carmel, Muhrakah (where fire fell when Elijah prayed)

Lunch in Haifa

Regional prayer gathering in Nazareth:

“Nazareth Cry – The Spirit and the Bride Say Come”

DAY 4 – 21st

Tiberius / Sea of Galilee / Mount of Beatitudes

The day will begin by heading to Gadara near the Sea of Galilee where Jesus healed the demoniac, then to Sea of Galilee boat ride, lunch in Tiberius, then to Mount of Beatitudes before returning to hotel for dinner in Nazareth.

 DAY 5 – 22nd

First Altar: Shechem / Second Altar: Bet El

Jacob’s Well. Gerizim and Ebal

Lunch in Samaria

Bethel and Jacob’s dream

Head to Jerusalem

 DAY 6 – 23rd

Third Altar: Hebron
Start with Hebron, Abraham’s Tomb and pray outside

Bethlehem, Shepherd’s Field

Lunch in Bethlehem

Mount of Olives, Hosanna Road, Gethsemane

 DAY 7 – 24th

Fourth Altar: Mount Moriah / Jerusalem / Old City

Walking tour of Old City, Western Wall, Temple Mount, El Aksa Mosque, Dome of the Rock (built on the ancient site of Solomon’s Temple and over the Rock of Sacrifice where Abraham offered Isaac and the ceremonial sacrifice of animals took place), then leaving to Mount Zion and Upper Room where the fire of God fell over the disciples in the day of Pentecost.

 DAY 8 – 25th

Fifth Altar: Abraham’s Well / Dead Sea / Jericho
Beer Shiva – Abraham’s Well at the archeological park

Lunch in Beer Shiva

Dead Sea – an opportunity to swim


 DAY 9 – 26th

City of David / Garden Tomb
City of David – most ancient archeological place in Jerusalem

Service at Garden Tomb

Afternoon free

 DAY 10 – 27th

Free until transfer to Tel Aviv Airport to fly home (arrive on 28th)